Sean Mortenson, Intern

Masters Level Intern

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Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Fuller Theological Seminary

Master of Divinity
Phoenix Seminary

Recommended Readings:

New Seeds of Contemplation - Thomas Merton
Man’s Search for Meaning - Viktor Frankl
The Story of Ferdinand - Munro Leaf (I have four kids.)

“Practice resurrection.” - Wendell Berry

We’re all navigating a world that can be both beautiful and terrible, and we’re unavoidably shaped by our experiences along the way. At some point we may be confronted by the idea that we’re not okay. It could be the burdens, the hurts, or the uncertainties are beginning to overwhelm us. Or it could be the patterns we’ve developed to cope are no longer serving us well. That is a difficult place to be. But if we pay attention, we might find that our discomfort is the beginning of insight that opens us up to the possibility of new life. I love to meet people in that place and help them find the way forward.

 I am currently finishing my master’s program at Fuller Seminary. I am trained in a systems approach to therapy and work with both individuals and couples. I help clients see how our minds, bodies, and relationships are all connected. I take a humanistic, trauma-informed posture and I am comfortable incorporating attachment styles, parts work, or various other therapeutic models based on the client’s needs. I am also trained in EMDR.

 As a former pastor I am happy to integrate spirituality when requested. But I am sympathetic to those who are deconstructing their faith and/or processing religious trauma. I am also conscious of my presence as a white, cishet male and look to model an open, humble posture toward all people. Whoever you are and whatever your story, you are valuable and worthy of love.

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